Data Structure - [Definitions]

♠ Posted by Unknown in at 03:15


DATA STRUCTURE is a collection of data elements whose organization is characterized by assessing operations that are used to store and retrieve the individual data elements; the implementation of the composite data members in an abstract data type. An abstract data type can be define as a data type whose properties are specified independently of any particular implementation.

            The DATA STRUCTURE is classified in the following categories:

1.         Linear Data Structures

            In the linear Data Structures processing of data items is possible in linear fashion, i.e., data can be processed one by one sequentially.  Linear data structures contains following types of data structures.
I.                    Array
II.                  Linked List
III.                Stack and Queues

2.         Nonlinear Data Structures

            A Data Structures in which insertion and deletion is not possible in a linear fashion is called nonlinear DATA STRUCTURE.  In this category of DATA STRUCTURE, we will discuss the following.
I.                    Tree
II.                  Graph

Primitive and Non-primitive Data-Structure (Datatypes):

Primitive Data-Structure:

This is the data structure that typically are directly operated upon by machine-level instructions. We will present storage representations for these data structures for a variety of machines. For example, declaration of variables with basic datatypes are the example of primitive data structure.

Non-Primitive Data-Structure:

Non-primitive data structures can be classified as arrays, lists and files. As array is an ordered set which consists of a fixed number of objects. No deletion or insertion operations are performed on arrays. A list, on the other hand, is an ordered set consisting of a variable number of elements to which insertions and deletions can be made.


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