Core Java - [Visibility Modes]

♠ Posted by Unknown in at 23:44

Java Visibility Modes [Access Specifiers]

The Java access specifiers public, protected, and private are placed in front of each definition for each member in your class, whether it’s a field or a method. Each access specifier controls the access for only that particular definition. This is a distinct contrast to C++, in which the access specifier controls all the definitions following it until another access specifier comes along.

1.      friendly :- (package access)

The default access has no keyword, but it is commonly referred to as “friendly”. It means that all the other classes in the current package have access to the friendly member, but to all the classes outside of this package the member appears to be private. Since a compilation unit-a file-can belong only to a single package, all the classes within a single compilation unit are automatically friendly with each other. Thus, friendly elements are also said to have package access.

2.      public :- (interface access)

When you use the public keyword, it means that the member declaration that immediately follows public is available to everyone, in particular to the client programmer who uses the library.

3.      private :- (you can’t touch that)

The private keyword means that no one can access that member except that particular class, inside methods of that class. Other classes in the same package cannot access private members, so it’s as if you’re even insulating the class against yourself. It turns out that the consistent use of private is very important, especially where multithreading is concerned.

4.      protected :- (sort of friendly)

The protected keyword deals with a concept called inheritance, which takes an existing class and adds new members to that class without touching the existing class, which we refer to as the base class. You can also change the behavior of existing members of the class.

If you create a new package and you inherit from a class in another package, the only members you have access to are the public members of the original package. (Of course, if you perform the inheritance in the same package, you have the normal package access to all the friendly members.) Sometimes the creator of the base class would like to take a particular member and grant access to derived classes but not the world in general. 


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