Python: Reading Input from the Console

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Reading Input from the Console in Python

The input() function asks the user to input a value for the variable. Default value entered as a string. 

Python: Writing a Simple Program

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Writing a Simple Program in Python

Start Python IDLE from Start menu à Python Group. Write a program in New File window as shown below.

Python Sample Program

Run program, Select Run (F5) from Run menu.


>>> ========RESTART =========
The Area of Circle :  1256.0

Python: Comments

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Comments in Python

In Python, comments are preceded by a pound sign (#) on a line, called a line comment, or enclosed between three consecutive single quotation marks (''') on one or several lines, called a paragraph comment. When the Python interpreter sees #, it ignores all text after # on the same line. When it sees ''', it scans for the next ''' and ignores any text between the triple quotation marks.

For Example:

# This program displays one message

''' This program displays
   Two messages

Line Continuation Symbol in Python

In some cases, the Python interpreter cannot determine the end of the statement written in multiple lines. We can place the  line continuation character (\) at the end of the line to tell the interpreter that the statement is continued on the next line. For example, the following statement

fact = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * \
          5 * 6
is equivalent to
fact = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6

Python: Creating Source Code Files

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Creating Source Code File in Python

Entering Python Statement at the statement prompt >>> is convenient, but the statements are not saved. To save statements for later use, you can create a python file to store the statements. The file can be created using editor, that file is called a Python source file or script file, or module. By convention, Python files are named with the extension .py.

Running a Python program from a script file is known as running Python in script mode. Typing a statement at the statement prompt >>> and executing it is called Python in  interactive mode.

To create new Python file in IDLE, select file menu à New File. It opens new file window type following lines and save it as “”. Now Click Run (F5) from Run menu of window. Control transfer to IDLE statement prompt and show the output.


#Display two messages
print(“Welcome to world of Python…”)
print(“Hello Friends…”)

Python: Getting Started

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Getting Started with Python

Let’s get started by writing a simple Python program that displays the message “Welcome to world of Python…” on the console.

Assume you have Python installed on the OS. You can start Python in a command window by typing “Python” at the command prompt, as shown in below figure. Or by using IDLE, as shown in another figure. IDLE (Interactive DeveLopment Environment)is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Python.

Python Command line figure

Python command-line and IDLE can also be accessed directly from the Windows Start menu and in Python group.

Python IDLE window

Python: History

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Python: History

Since 1990, Python was created by Guido van Rossum in the Netherland and was named after well-known British Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Rossum developed Python as a hobby, and Python has become a popular programming language widely used in industry and academia due to its simple, concise, and intuitive syntax and extensive library.

Python is a general-purpose programming language. That means you can use Python to write code for any programming task. Python is now used in the Google Search Engine, in mission-critical projects at NASA, and in transaction processing at the New York Stock Exchange.

Python is interpreted, which means that Python code is translated and executed by an interpreter.

Python is an  object-oriented programming (OOP) language. Data in Python are objects created from classes. 

Adv Java - [Java Server Page: Session Management]

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Java Server Page Session Management

The HTTP is stateless protocol. The state management is a necessary management technique to preserve current page data from moving one page to another page. The Session management is one type of state management to maintain particular user login/logout session tracking. The Session is created individually for every particular user who are getting logged in/out on website.

Adv Java - [Java Server Page Directive]

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Java Server Page Directive

This example is showing the use of directives to import libraries of java into java server page code. Here, I have called util package of java library to fetch data from the html table.

Adv Java - [Java Server Pages: Scripting Elements]

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JSP Scripting Elements

Once the directives have been used to setup the scripting environment you can utilize the scripting language elements. JSP1.1. has three scripting language elements – declaration, scriptlets, and expressions. A declaration will declare elements, a scriptlet is a statement fragment, and an expression is a complete language expression. In JSP each scripting element begins with a “<%”. 

Adv Java - [Servlet: Hidden Field]

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Hidden Field in Servlet Example

The HTTP is stateless protocol, means it can not preserve data of current web page while moving backward/forward web pages. The hidden field is a way to State management in servlet example. The hidden field is used to store intermediate data hide while moving from one page to another page.  

Adv Java - [Servlet: Database Connectivity]

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DataBase Connectivity on Servlet

This example is showing the DataBase connectivity to fetch the result of particular student from the SQL Table. DataBase may resides on server-side and establish ODBC connection between database and Java class.

Adv Java - [Servlet: Hyperlink Example]

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Servlet Example

The Example that display the use of hyperlinks among several servlets. The Servlets are called to each other by referencing the java class name to the anchor element of HTML.

Adv Java - [Servlet: Useful Methods]

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Useful Methods of Servlet

 Servlets are simply Java classes that follow three basic rules:

  1. An HTTP Servlet must extend javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet (or extend an abstract class that does).
  2. The Servlet must implement at least one of the following metheods: doGet(), doPost(), doPut(), doDelete(), init(), destroy(), or service().
  3. The Servlet can optionally implement init(), destroy(), or getServletInfo().

Adv Java - [Servlet: Multithreaded]

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Multithreading into Servlet

The servlet container has a pool of threads that it will dispatch to handle client requests. It is quite likely that two clients arriving at the same time could be processing through your service() at the same time. Therefore the service() method must written in a thread-safe manner. Any access to common resources will need to be guarded by using the synchronized keyword.

Adv Java[Servlet: Session Management]

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Servlet Session Management

HTTP is a “sessionless” protorcol, so you cannot tell from one server hit to another if you’ve got the same person repeatedly querying your site. Or if it is a completely different person. A great deal of effort has gone into mechanisms that will allow Web developers to track sessions. Companies could not do e-commerce without keeping track of a client and the items they have put into their shopping cart, for example.

Adv Java [Servlet: Life Cycle]

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Client access from the Internet or corporate intranets is a sure way to allow many users to access data and resources easily. This type of access is based on clients using the World Wide Web standards of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The Servlet API set abstracts a common solution framework for responding to HTTP requests.

Adv Java - [JDBC: Example on Applet]

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JDBC Connection on Applet

This program is related to JDBC Connectivity on Applet. Program is written into directly Notepad Editor. So, Designing of program is basically shows how to use Layout Manager properly to fit the controls on desired place.

Adv Java - [JDBC: Resultset Types]

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JDBC Resultsets

Before JDBC 2.1, a ResultSet object created by executing a statement was, by default, forward-only scrollable. That is, we could traversse through the resultset using the next() method only. next() returns false when the last record is reached, and no more details can then be retrieved.

Adv Java - [JDBC: Prepared Statement]

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JDBC Prepared Statement

JDBC prepared statements address the following requirements:
  1. Creating parametrerized statements such that data for parameters can be substituted dynamically.
  1. Creating statements involving data values that cannot always be represented as character strings.
  1. Pre-compiling SQL statements to avoid repeated compiling of the same SQL statements.

Adv Java - [JDBC: Database Operations]

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JDBC Database Operations

Write an application program to perform all the database driven operations such as
  Insertion, Deletion, Update and Selection using the concept of Statement.

Adv Java - [JDBC: SQL Classes]

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JDBC SQL Classes

The JDBC classes and interfaces remain in two Java packages : java.sql and javax.sql:

  1. java.sql :- This package contains classes and interfaces designed with traditional client-server architecture in mind. Its functionality is focused primarily on basic database programming services such as creating connections, executing statements and prepared statements, and running batch queries. Advanced functions such as batch updates, scrollable resultsets, transaction isolation, and SQL data types are also available.

Adv Java - [JDBC: Introduction]

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JDBC [Java DataBase Connectivity]

It has been estimated that half of all software development involves client/server operations. A great promise of Java has been the ability to build platform-independent client/server database applications. This has come to fruition with Java DataBase Conectivity (JDBC).

Adv Java [JAR File Creation]

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What is JAR files?

A JAR file allows you to efficiently deploy a set of classes and their associated resource.  For example, a developer may build a multimedia application that uses various sound and image files. A set of Beans can control how and when this information is presented. All these pieces can be placed into one JAR files.

Adv Java - [Swing: Slider/Progressbar]

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Sliders & Progress bars

A slider allows the user to input data by moving a point back and forth, which is intuitive in some situations. A progress bar displays data in a relative fashion from “full” to “empty” so the user gets a perspective.

Adv Java - [Swing: File Dialogs]

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File Dialogs

Some operating systems have a number of special built-in dialog boxes to handle the selection of things such as fonts, colors, printer, and the like. Virtually all graphical operating systems support the opening and saving of files, however and so Java’s JFileChooser encapsulates these for easy use.

Adv Java - [Swing: JDialog Class]

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JDialog Class

A dialog box is a window that pops up out of another window. Dialog boxes are heavily used in windowed programming environments, but less frequently used in applets.

Adv Java - [Swing: Menu]

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Java Swing Menus

Each component capable of holding a menu, including JApplet, JFrame, JDialog, and their descendants, has a setJMenuBar() method that accepts a JMenuBar (you can have only one JMenuBar on a particular component). you add JMenu to the JMenuBar,  and JMenuItems to the JMenu. Each JMenuItem can have an ActionListener attached to it, to be fired when that menu item is selected.

Adv Java - [Swing: JOptionPane Class]

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JOptionPane Class

Windowing environments commonly contain a standard set of message boxes that allow you to quickly post information to the used or to capture information form the user. In Swing, these message boxes are contained in JOptionPane. You have many different possibilities, but the ones you’ll most commonly use are probably the message dialog and confirmation dialog, invoked using the static JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() and JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog().

Adv Java - [Swing: JList Class]

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JList Class

List boxes are significantly different from JComboBox boxes, and not just in appearance. While a JcomboBox box drops down when you activate it, a JList occupies some fixed number of lines on a screen all the time and doesn’t change. If you want to see the items in a list, you simply call getSelectedValues(), which produces an array of String of the items that have been selected.

Adv Java - [Swing: JTree Class]

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JTree Class

A tree is a component that presents a hierarchical view of data. A user has the ability to expand or collapse individual subtrees in this display. Trees are implemented in Swing by the JTree class, which extends JComponent.

Adv Java - [Swing: JScrollPane Class]

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JScrollPane Class

A scroll panes is a component that presents a rectangular area in which a component may be viewed. Horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars may be provided if necessary. Scroll panes are implemented in Swing by the JScrollPane class, which extends JComponent.

Adv Java - [Swing: JTabbedPane Class]

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JTabbedPane Class

A tabbed panes is a component that appears as a group of folders in a file cabinet. Each folder has a title. When a user selects a folder, its contents become visible. Only one of the folders may be selected at a time. Tabbed panes are commonly used for setting configuration options.

Adv Java - [Swing: JComboBox Class]

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JComboBox Class

Swing provides a combo box (a combination of a text field and a drop-down list) through the JComboBox class, which extends JComponent. A combo box normally displays one entry. However, it can also display a drop-down list that allows a user to select a different entry. You can also type your selection into the text field.

Adv Java - [Swing: JCheckbox Class]

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JCheckbox class

The JCheckBox class, which provides the functionality of a check box, is a concrete implementation of AbstractButton.