Artificial Intelligent - [Assignment-2013]

♠ Posted by Unknown in , at 01:37

Que:1 What is Hashing Technique?

The hashing is a completely different technique approach to searching tables: by direct access based on key values. The process of finding a record using some computation to map its key value to a position in the table is called hashing.

The function that maps key values to positions is called a hash function and is usually denoted by H. The array that holds the records is called the hash table and will be denoted by HT.

For example, consider storing n records, each with a unique key value in the range 0 to n-1. In this simple case, a record with key k can be stored in HT[k], and the hash function is simply h(k) = k. To find the record with key value k, simply look in HT[k].

Finding a record with key value K in a database organized by hashing follows a two-step procedure.
  1. Compute the table location h(k).
  1. Starting with slot h(k), locate the record containing key k using (if necessary) a collision resolution policy.


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