Adv Java - [Java Server Page Directive]

♠ Posted by Unknown in at 08:31

Java Server Page Directive

This example is showing the use of directives to import libraries of java into java server page code. Here, I have called util package of java library to fetch data from the html table.

<%--  Write a JSP program to implement the concept of directives. --%>
<%-- Fetchin gthe data from an HTML form. --%>
<%-- This JSP also generates the form. --%>
<%-- Below is a JSP Directive --%>
<%@ page import = "java.util.*" %>
                        <H1>Display Form data</H1><H3>
                        Enumeration flds = request.getParameterNames();
                        if(!flds.hasMoreElements()) {  %>

                                    <FORM METHOD = "POST" ACTION = "Practical30.jsp">

                                    <% for(int i=0; i<10; i++){ %>
                                    Field <%= i %> :
                                    <INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" SIZE = "20" NAME = "Field<%=i%>" VALUE = "Value<%= i%>"><BR>
                                    <% } %>

                        <INPUT TYPE = "Submit" NAME = "Submit" VALUE = "Submit"></FORM>

                        <%}  else {
                                    String field = (String) flds.nextElement();
                                    String value = request.getParameter(field);
                                    <LI><%= field %> = <%= value %> </LI>
                        <% }

Image: JSP Directive Example01

Image: JSP Directive Example02


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